Captain Calico Jack, The Original Jack Sparrow

Pirates in films, games and novels are shown as anti heros. These are all fantasy's originating from The mind of Robert Louis Stevenson who wrote treasure island. He made Long John Silvers a pirate who was a hero to the reader who were mostly boys at the time. Long John shares some inspiration for the characters that we love today such as Jack Sparrow, but there was also a real life inspiration knows as Calico Jack. Calico Jack is known as one of the most flamboyant pirates to exist, much like A certain sparrow everyone knows and loves. He was a pirate with ideas that burnt bright ,but faded fast. His ideas and personality made him quite popular among his crew. His popularity launched him into the role of captain when his previous captain Charles Vane was labeled a coward. Captain Calico Jack would go on to lead quite a career stealing a large ship called the Kingston. Shortly after stealing the large ship it was stolen back and he barley escaped with his life. He escaped ...