About Me

Who is Caleb Pritchard 

My name is Caleb Pritchard its like Richard with a P and a random T thrown in the middle for some reason. I am 19 years old and a freshman at GGC. I graduated from Mill Creek High school in 2019. lived in Georgia all my life and sadly have not left the bible belt. I have two little sisters who are hell to deal with and a few pets. I am also a die hard Chicago Cubs fan. Ive been an extra on film sets in Atlanta, so I have been on several films and shows plus I got to meet Clint Eastwood.

Dream and Profession 

I am an aspiring film writer and director. If you do not know what that is look up who Quentin Tarantino is and that will tell you what I want to be and what I will be in my life. I have recently shot a videography for a wedding and made a small production company called PritchardProduction. Film is my life and I use every opportunity I can to be a better film maker. 

My Production company


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