Red Haired Thief

I lay in a bed unlike my own, to the right of me is some red haired  broad from the previous night.  Not surprised by this encounter since this was a casual way to end the night for a pirate. I throw myself out of the bed and was greeted with a pounding feeling in my head. The rum last night did a number on me. I let the sleeping broad lie in the bed. I get up to find my coat . the co
at was on a hanger in the corner of the room.

Something was missing in my coat my flintlock pistol, I slowly looked around the room for my iconic pistol. While looking I noticed that the sleeping broad was wearing my captains hat. I yanked the hat off her head and somehow didn't wake her. Next to her was bottle of rum that I picked up to cure my head. I was given disappointment when the bottle had nothing but a drop in it. The broad must have drank the rest of it.

Putting the bottle down I find my pistol laying on the ground near the bed. The pistol was my pride and joy it was like no other normal flintlock pistol. The gun was something special, it may have looked like a flintlock but it had mechanisms from 2015 magnum pistol making it faster than any other pistol. The gun was from my time before I was sent back in time. To my shock the gun was still loaded, usually ill shoot of some shots at some bottles while I am drunk. With my coat on and my pistol secure I put on my nice black pirate hat with a blue feather on it. I open the door and say goodbye to the sleeping lass.

I kick the door open and see where I am. I slept in the top room of a pub. I look down and see my first mate passed out with a bottle. He is holding the bottle like he would a lover. Still having to deal with the damn pounding in my head. I make my way downstairs and snatch the bottle. I take a large sip and pour some over his face. He wakes up in a jolt and reached for a weapon. I step on his arm as he reaches for a broken bottle. "morning Shanks looks like you chose the bottle over a woman again "  I tell the startled man. I survey the room and spot the rest of my passed out crew passed out on the floor with women next to most of them."MATESSSSSS" I yell waking up the rest of my hungover crew in the bar. A bunch of dirty men rise up from the floor and collect themselves.

As the men deal with their hangovers, A tender from behind the bar demands to speak to the captain. I took a huge gulp of my mates bottle of rum and turn to the man asking for me. The man is an older man with a great black mustache he was bald and defiantly owned the pub I was in. Now a little drunk I walk over to the man and slam my bottle on the ground. The glass shatters on the floor which made the headache my crew was feeling worse. "I am the captain of this fine crew" I say.

The man gives a look of anger staring at the broken bottle. "don't cry over spilled rum mate" I say while putting my hand on his shoulder. the man now looking looks at me and shouts. "who in the bloody hell is gonna pay for my broads and rum" "hold up are you from England you said bloody" I look to the direction of my first mate who is standing by my crew. "Shanks!!" I call in a mocking british accent "this owner is from England what do you think hes doin way out here" The man now tired of my games pulls a flintlock on me. "whoa I swear I don't have anything to pay you right now".I tell the man and suddenly bunches of gold coins fall out of my pocket. The owner puts his gun to my temple and cocks his gun. Bang!!! The bar owner falls to the floor with a hole in his stomach.

The noise blasts around the room. looking at the now dead man I say still in a British accent"whoops my bad mate didn't mean to pull the bloody trigger" The gunshot wakes up some of the passed out women in the bar. Suddenly the door at the top of the bar slams open. The woman from before busts into the bar and I get a better look at her and her bright red hair.
"hey captain" Shanks gestures to me. "you recognize that woman right" ? Puzzled I respond and nudge shanks saying "I mean she woke in the top room with me earlier if you get what I mean".

"wow I need a drink" the woman mumbles from above the bar. " Captain that woman that is Rackams woman Anne Bonney!". The woman barley walks down the stairs looks at the dead man. Not caring about the dead man she walks over to me. She stares me down "hello lass how did ya sleep" I say to her. I drunkenly attempt to get distance from the intense woman. She gives me a smirk and walks past me her hand brushing my side and grabs a full bottle of rum sitting on a table past me. "thanks for the free drink I owe you" she says with her back turned to me and begins to chug the bottle exiting the bar.

The bar is silent my entire crew watching the door swing closed as the woman just left. I turn back to the dead owner of the bar and finally realize that the woman wasn't the only one to hear that gun shot the whole town could have heard it. Preparing for a fight I go to grab my gun and check the ammo. The gun is no where to be found on me through. "Have any of ya seen me gun?" I ask my crew in the room.

One of the crew a scronny fella named toothpick who chose not to drink speaks up"captain the red haired beauty went off with it". "Well why didn't you stop her or at least of all say something" I tell toothpick. At this point the sound of the gun shot and yelling allowed all of my crew to be fully aware . I get up on a wooden bar table and shout"MATESSS ME GUN HAS GONE MISSIN SO WE ARE ON A HUNT FOR THE WENCH WHO TOOK IT!"

"WHATS HER NAME!" One of the crew shouts. "Whats her name again" I whisper to Shanks next me. "What?" He whispers. "Whats the red heads name" I say a little louder. He tells me "Bonney Anne Bonney she is Jack R-". "ANNE BONNEY BE THE WOMAN WE BE SEARCHIN FOR". I yell to the crowd of dirty pirates now raising their swords and pistols with excitement."Shanks!! go out and take some of our men to the ship the rest will come with me to get the Red Head and meet back at the ship".

I head out the door of the bar to track down  Bonney the red haired thief and leave Shanks with the rest of my men. Shanks heads out of the back entrance of the bar to our ship and the bar is left with women on the floor barley conscious due to the booze and a dead bar owner behind the counter.


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