What is Give No Quarter

In today's day in age the idea is of a film about pirates is thrown to the side. This is due to Disney basically having a monopoly on the genre with the successful franchise Pirates of the Caribbean. Ever since the early 2000's pirate films have been something that is unachievable in fear of being compared to Pirates of the Caribbean. I feel differently about the idea, rather than fear I feel excitement. Throughout taking my English composition 2 I have learned a lot and I mean a lot about pirates. I have learned what is fact and what is fiction when it comes to pirates. such as that pirates did not actually walk the plank and say aarrgh. This is contrary to what Hollywood would have you believe. My biggest take away from this course is from my view as a writer. There are so many fantastic characters that are just going to waste waiting to be used and told stories bout during the golden age of piracy. These are stories that the pirates of the Caribbean stories have not...