Black beards secret weapon
I sit on the deck with a telescope in hand in search of oncoming ships. The top deck is empty. The captain is sound asleep in his chambers and the rest of the crew do the same below deck. I still find it absurd that Captain Blackbeard only assigns one man for lookout duty. If I were captain I would have at least three or four men out here in case one died in an attempt to alert the others.
This was just a pipe dream because I wouldn't dare talk back to Captain Blackbeard. The man would have me executed just to prove a point. Things were so much easier when I was just a simple buccaneer under some no-name pirate. I could trust my captain to not slit my throat at any time. I remember hearing stories before I joined about Black Beard sitting at a table with three of his crewmates. as time passed one of the crew realized he had somewhere to be. not long after he left the captain pulled out two pistols. This astonished the two crew members, pondering what the man was planning to do with the guns.
As expected he put the two pistols under the table. He fired both shots and only one connected hitting the man in the leg. Leaving the other to hit a nearby barrel. when he was asked about why he did this he said "If I didn't shoot one of my crew now they would have forgotten what type of person I was." The man who was spared is still on the crew to this day. He assured me that the entire story was all fact not fiction.
As I sat daydreaming I notice a ship in the distance. The ship was moving closer to the Queen Anne's Revenge. I panicked and immediately went to go tell the captain. On my, to his quarters a thought crossed my mind. Do I really want to disturb Captian Blackbeard from his slumber? If the ship was just a passing supply ship he would surely punish me.
With this thought in mind I turned around and headed for the crew below deck. Instead of waking the whole crew and causing a loud commotion I chose to just wake a mate of mine named Adam.
Adam has been apart of the crew for far longer than I have. I nudged him out of his bed. He fell face-first on the hard wooden floor. The crew was passed out rum filling their veins. It was uncertain if a bullet would even wake them from their slumber. Adam wakes up still groggy from some rum. He grabs my shirt ready for a fight not realizing who I am. "Adam It's me!"Adam gets some sense and puts me down.
I lead him topdeck and explain to him the issue. On the way up he grabs a bottle of rum to clear his headache. As we reach starboard I notice that the ship had gotten closer. I was panicking while Adam just stays calm opening up his bottle of rum. I knew it was time to fight I was gonna do everything I could to keep alive. I headed for the brig and grabbed a flintlock. when I returned Adam was still standing rum in hand not a care in the world. I loaded up the pistol and aimed it at the oncoming ship.
Adam takes his hand and lowers my pistol. I look at him confused about why he would do such a thing. He finishes another swig of his bottle and tells me "have you ever had to fire a pistol on this ship before?" I thought back on it and honestly, I couldn't come to any instance where I had to pull a pistol or unsheath my sword. Adam could understand my thoughts like he could read my mind " Why do you think that is huh ?". I stand still puzzled by his question. He reassures me "The Queen Anne represents death for those in its path. Pirates, merchants and even the government know its flag and know the only option they have is to run."
I thought about Adam's words carefully realizing he speaks nothing but the truth. his words calm me down the incoming ship now closer becomes nothing but a fly on a wall to me. Adam finishes his statement saying "Besides if they dare attack they will see the face of the devil himself". He lifts his bottle up to take another swig BANG!!!!! Adam hits the floor. His bottle rolls on deck away from his cold corpse. the ship was in boarding distance and one of the ship's crew shot and killed Adam.
The sound radiating from the pistol woke the entire ship. The crew started to immerge from below deck, each dealing with a rum induced headache. I stand in shock of my dead friend and then turn to the ship getting ready to board The Queen Anne's Revenge. I stand quaking in my boots, pistol shaking in my hand. I can't calm down and get a clear shot on anyone.
The captain of the opposing ship orders his men to board. There are hundreds of them swords and pistols in each of their hands. As the men grab the ropes to board our ship the captain's
quarter doors fly open. The large 200-pound man stomps on deck. Under his hat are unlit matches accompanied by a large black beard with a couple of matches hidden in. He takes one look at the ship in front of him and then looks at his crew struggling to get above deck.
Without saying a word he gestures for them to stay below deck. The crew on the opposite ship ceases raiding The Queen Anne's Revenge and stands to wait on Blackbeard's next move. Where most men would pull out a pistol or a sword Blackbeard pulls a match from his pocket. Without hesitation he strikes the match and lights the matches in his hat and beard. Smoke surrounds his body radiating from his face. He stands not moving an inch and gives a death stare to the captain of the opposing ship. Blackbeard looks like Lucifer himself, and the captain of the opposing ship doesn't waste a second to order his crew to retreat and turns the ship around.
Captain Blackbeard watches the ship run farther and farther from The Queen Anne's Revenge. he takes notice of me and I feel my heart drop. He walks toward me I know this is the end he is gonna execute me for not alerting of him of the threat immediately. I try to move my feet, but I'm stunned in fear of the devil walking toward me. As I accept my fate Blackbeard walks past me and tends to Adam's corpse. He kneels down and picks up the bottle of rum finishing what remains. He walks back to his quarters and without even looking at me orders me to" Throw the corpse overboard". I follow his command and pick up Adam's lifeless body and throw it into the dark sea.
This was just a pipe dream because I wouldn't dare talk back to Captain Blackbeard. The man would have me executed just to prove a point. Things were so much easier when I was just a simple buccaneer under some no-name pirate. I could trust my captain to not slit my throat at any time. I remember hearing stories before I joined about Black Beard sitting at a table with three of his crewmates. as time passed one of the crew realized he had somewhere to be. not long after he left the captain pulled out two pistols. This astonished the two crew members, pondering what the man was planning to do with the guns.
As expected he put the two pistols under the table. He fired both shots and only one connected hitting the man in the leg. Leaving the other to hit a nearby barrel. when he was asked about why he did this he said "If I didn't shoot one of my crew now they would have forgotten what type of person I was." The man who was spared is still on the crew to this day. He assured me that the entire story was all fact not fiction.

With this thought in mind I turned around and headed for the crew below deck. Instead of waking the whole crew and causing a loud commotion I chose to just wake a mate of mine named Adam.
Adam has been apart of the crew for far longer than I have. I nudged him out of his bed. He fell face-first on the hard wooden floor. The crew was passed out rum filling their veins. It was uncertain if a bullet would even wake them from their slumber. Adam wakes up still groggy from some rum. He grabs my shirt ready for a fight not realizing who I am. "Adam It's me!"Adam gets some sense and puts me down.
I lead him topdeck and explain to him the issue. On the way up he grabs a bottle of rum to clear his headache. As we reach starboard I notice that the ship had gotten closer. I was panicking while Adam just stays calm opening up his bottle of rum. I knew it was time to fight I was gonna do everything I could to keep alive. I headed for the brig and grabbed a flintlock. when I returned Adam was still standing rum in hand not a care in the world. I loaded up the pistol and aimed it at the oncoming ship.
Adam takes his hand and lowers my pistol. I look at him confused about why he would do such a thing. He finishes another swig of his bottle and tells me "have you ever had to fire a pistol on this ship before?" I thought back on it and honestly, I couldn't come to any instance where I had to pull a pistol or unsheath my sword. Adam could understand my thoughts like he could read my mind " Why do you think that is huh ?". I stand still puzzled by his question. He reassures me "The Queen Anne represents death for those in its path. Pirates, merchants and even the government know its flag and know the only option they have is to run."
I thought about Adam's words carefully realizing he speaks nothing but the truth. his words calm me down the incoming ship now closer becomes nothing but a fly on a wall to me. Adam finishes his statement saying "Besides if they dare attack they will see the face of the devil himself". He lifts his bottle up to take another swig BANG!!!!! Adam hits the floor. His bottle rolls on deck away from his cold corpse. the ship was in boarding distance and one of the ship's crew shot and killed Adam.

The captain of the opposing ship orders his men to board. There are hundreds of them swords and pistols in each of their hands. As the men grab the ropes to board our ship the captain's
quarter doors fly open. The large 200-pound man stomps on deck. Under his hat are unlit matches accompanied by a large black beard with a couple of matches hidden in. He takes one look at the ship in front of him and then looks at his crew struggling to get above deck.
Without saying a word he gestures for them to stay below deck. The crew on the opposite ship ceases raiding The Queen Anne's Revenge and stands to wait on Blackbeard's next move. Where most men would pull out a pistol or a sword Blackbeard pulls a match from his pocket. Without hesitation he strikes the match and lights the matches in his hat and beard. Smoke surrounds his body radiating from his face. He stands not moving an inch and gives a death stare to the captain of the opposing ship. Blackbeard looks like Lucifer himself, and the captain of the opposing ship doesn't waste a second to order his crew to retreat and turns the ship around.
Captain Blackbeard watches the ship run farther and farther from The Queen Anne's Revenge. he takes notice of me and I feel my heart drop. He walks toward me I know this is the end he is gonna execute me for not alerting of him of the threat immediately. I try to move my feet, but I'm stunned in fear of the devil walking toward me. As I accept my fate Blackbeard walks past me and tends to Adam's corpse. He kneels down and picks up the bottle of rum finishing what remains. He walks back to his quarters and without even looking at me orders me to" Throw the corpse overboard". I follow his command and pick up Adam's lifeless body and throw it into the dark sea.
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